Originally Posted by umpharp
thanks for the great replies.
Its a good thing this doesn't happen very often because I don't think there is a way to enforce both.
If you enforce the Obstruction, then R1 gets away with interference.
If you enforce Interference, then the coach never gets his choice and thus the catcher gets away with Obstruction.
I would think that calling R1 out and giving BR 1B might be the easiest sell, but in either case, I'm thinking you're gonna have a heck of an argument.
I'd think that calling R1 out and giving BR 1B would be the tougher of the two sells for the reason I outlined previously. If you've got a smart coach who knows the catcher obstruction rule, you'll have a hard time convincing them that they, in the end, DON'T have a choice.
Catcher's OBS is completely different from other instances of OBS - the offensive coach can have a choice in the matter. In all other instances of OBS, it's the umpires who decide where the runners go, not the coach.
F2 hindered the batter's ability to hit the ball where they wanted, and the play was affected from the get-go. R1 should be given 2B, and B2 given 1B.