Originally Posted by shipwreck
Georgia pitcher was stepping way out of the 24" pitching plate. A few times she was out with BOTH feet. Please don't tell me it only looked that way because of the camera angle. The camera that showed it was in straight away center. Are umpires at this level told to disregard this infraction, since she was out so far, the PU had to see it since it was right there in front of him. Dave
Given I don't see many 62mph pitchers or super-quick motions, I sometimes see this violation from behind the plate without looking for it. Even when then watching to verify it, I can pick up the ball in time by framing both. That said, my main point here is that it can be seen by base umpires in B or C positions, as can not joining hands, etc. If we can tell from a CF camera, a BU on the field can.
Of course, that belies the point above that there are no illegal pitches on TV softball, maybe not in any D1 game.