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Old Thu May 22, 2008, 05:23pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Ch1town
On close OOB violations:
1. whistle & hand up
2. pointing to the line while saying “line”
3. point in the direction while saying the “blue”

Ok, if you wish to sell a close call with a little more.

Player control on a made basket:
1. whistle & fist up
2. wipe the basket while saying “no”
3. signal PC, point in the direction saying “blue endline” then pointing to the spot

Sounds good to me, but I would alter the order of the signals.
PC signal first.

Wipe basket. I will say, "No shot," or "No basket," but never "On the floor" while cancelling a goal.
Indicate throw-in spot and direction.

When a player is close to a 3 second violation, do you all say “lane-lane” to move the player or do you just hit the whistle?

Don't coach the players. Just officiate them. Either pass if there is no advantage/impact upon the play or call a violation.

When a defender has his hands on a player, do you say “hands-hands” or just get the foul?

If the contact meets the advantage/disadvantage criteria I just call the foul. See above.

It’s getting physical in the post, do say “easy guys” or “I’m right here” or do you just get the foul?

I've found that the best comment in this situation is "be smart." I either say that or call a foul. Nothing else. It seems to me that you are saying too much to the players.

Sometimes when a foul occurs after my whistle & fist up (offender has that uhh-uhhh look) I may say “no sir hit” while signaling hit… thoughts?

If you are saying that the player is disagreeing with your call, you need to decide whether to simply ignore it, warn the player, or if it warrants a T. Don't engage in a debate with the player.

2 person system (T to L) full court press after a made basket/timeout, the baseball pass & catch for a lay up. Do you pull up around the FT line for better coverage (as the new T probably won’t make it down court) or do you hustle to the endline?

I would rather get all the way to the end line, but I can't and need an angle to see contact between the players I will pull up as you inquire about.


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