Thread: ASA Appeals
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Old Thu May 22, 2008, 03:12pm
celebur celebur is offline
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Originally Posted by snorman75
Originally Posted by argodad
Why do I get the mental picture of Mr. Snorman as the umpire who always brings up the "What if" third-world situations in meetings, scores high on tests, but somehow always has problems on the field? Probably not the right picture -- but it's the one I have.
OK, I admit, I love the "what if", and I do score high, but I have learned to never bring it the field. That is what the ride home, bar and a forum like this.

lol, the ones I get wrong on the test are the ones I read to much into and find some rule no one should never use.

But on the field, if I can get through a game not talking (about a rule) to anyone, maybe my part if something comes up, it is a good game.
And I had a completely different picture. Based on demonstrated lack of rules knowledge and atrocious spelling, I was (and still am) picturing a 14-year-old trying to pass himself off as an experienced umpire.

As others have already said, mixing up force plays and live-ball appeals is a common mistake for players and coaches. Because of that, it is routinely addressed in first-year clinics.
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