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Old Thu May 22, 2008, 02:25pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
I don't normally wipe off the basket as part of my preliminary. If you're signalling PC, everybody knows it's not going to count. I think it's more important to get the PC signal out there first. I will wipe the basket on the way to the table, or as part of reporting.
I do not completely disagree, but there are people that are aware of the college rule (Men's side) and ask for the basket to be counted. Also many table personnel are more concerned with the basket counting than what you called. I will let everyone know if there is no doubt the basket went in to wipe off the basket.

Originally Posted by Ch1town
On close OOB violations:
1. whistle & hand up
2. pointing to the line while saying “line”
3. point in the direction while saying the “blue”
I have used this but if it is not easily seen. I do not use it all the time or most of the time. Just very rare plays where a toe nail hits the line. I do not recommend it or say you have to do this, just something that happens.

Originally Posted by Ch1town
Player control on a made basket:
1. whistle & fist up
2. wipe the basket while saying “no”
3. signal PC, point in the direction saying “blue endline” then pointing to the spot

I will only wipe off the basket if the ball goes in. Most PC fouls I probably would never do this.

Originally Posted by Ch1town
When a player is close to a 3 second violation, do you all say “lane-lane” to move the player or do you just hit the whistle?
I will say "lane" and that usually works. If a player is camped, I will make the call. This is a very rare call from me because of how I talk to the players.

Originally Posted by Ch1town
When a defender has his hands on a player, do you say “hands-hands” or just get the foul?
I say this very early in the game even before a player touches a ball handler. I just want them to know I am watching. It seems to keep me from making a lot of calls. But if they foul I blow the whistle. I only do this to prevent situations early. After a few fouls they get the message.

Originally Posted by Ch1town
It’s getting physical in the post, do say “easy guys” or “I’m right here” or do you just get the foul?
I talk early and often in the post. I usually say "vertical, vertical" or "hands, hands" and if I do call a foul I say, "I was warning you."

Originally Posted by Ch1town
Sometimes when a foul occurs after my whistle & fist up (offender has that uhh-uhhh look) I may say “no sir hit” while signaling hit… thoughts?
I do not say much right after a call other than what the player did and what we are going to do next.

Originally Posted by Ch1town
2 person system (T to L) full court press after a made basket/timeout, the baseball pass & catch for a lay up. Do you pull up around the FT line for better coverage (as the new T probably won’t make it down court) or do you hustle to the endline?
I do not pull up, but I watch the feet so if they do go up I have a better look. Also you have some idea what players are going to shoot and which ones will go to the hole.

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