Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Well, that's when those of us who do rec league games have to tighten our belts and handle the situation. If parents get unruly, have them removed. If they refuse to go peacefully, call the sheriffs. For rec leagues, institute a policy of "umpires are hands-off after a game" with certain penalties prescribed.
Sometimes, we do this to ourselves by not addressing this behavior.
I agree in virginia assault on a sports official carries a heavier penalty than assault in general.My reason for bringing this up is this: these parents holar and scream everything they can at the umpires and when they are removed they get even worse and shout that its "for the girls!" the irony that statement carries along with it is extrordinary and the parents themselves as well as these coaches should be ashamed of how they treat authority figures on the field and ashamed of how they model respecting authority to their kids. Depending what age the kids are they still may (psychologically speaking according to famed psyco analyist for child developement Piaget) model this behavior...which in turn perpetuates the problem.