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Old Wed May 21, 2008, 12:57pm
NCASAUmp NCASAUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by kcg NC2Ablu
there is that problem... I will go ahead and throw this out if anyone wants to respond.. I have 10 people that are at minimal hs quality umpires that will not come back to a rec association because of the way they were treated... meaning parents of a 10 team trying to fight the umpires calling them a-holes and everything else (ok maybe not EVERYthing) in the book as they leave. Is this happening any where else? My favorite line that i heard a UIC open a rec ball tournement meeting (UIC to Coaches) is this " Okay fellas, I have called the college scouts and they aren't going to be here this weekend so lets relax and have a good time." thats the attitude everyone is missing. this supposed "IT's for the girls!!!" comment that gets thrown around is the one that the parents let fly out of their head as they scream at the umpries
Well, that's when those of us who do rec league games have to tighten our belts and handle the situation. If parents get unruly, have them removed. If they refuse to go peacefully, call the sheriffs. For rec leagues, institute a policy of "umpires are hands-off after a game" with certain penalties prescribed.

Sometimes, we do this to ourselves by not addressing this behavior.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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