Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Well, that's your area. In my area, there are more games than umpires and that is at all levels. HS games have to be rescheduled at times due to lack of umpires. And it is not just softball, baseball is having the same problem.
Well, let's face it. It's a job that a lot of people don't want to do. You have umpires who let players and coaches walk all over them, making our jobs that much more difficult when we have to stand our ground. It's a thankless job where abuse is sadly considered "part of the game," especially when you do your job well. Consider wade's recent experience. He makes the right call, and he gets vilified by the ignorant media and clueless coaches who lack self-control.
How many times do you hear an announcer provide an incorrect "clarification" on a call? How many times do we watch coaches blow up on national TV with the crowd cheering them on in the background? How many more stories in the media will we hear about where a coach or parent attacks the ump? How many times have we all heard the excuses like, "well, we've been using this bat all season?"
The numbers of new, young umpires is dropping, and dropping fast. Hell, ASA even changed the 2-man BU mechanics to accommodate older umpires who can't move as quickly.
All we can do is stand our ground and continue to not allow ourselves to be doormats. And maybe raising the game fees might entice a few new blues.