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Old Tue May 20, 2008, 03:07pm
RPatrino RPatrino is offline
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Fritz, I mostly agree with you on the "size" of the field making a difference. When I did Little League, a lot depended on the level of play. The more instructional in nature the level, the more leeway we allowed on this type of thing. Now, Majors and above, no one left the dugout without the benefit of a time out being called, period, end of story. We pretty much have that mindest in 90' play as well. If a coach can't get his point across by verbalizing it from the bench, then most likely its going to be a visit.

In your scenario about the 1b assistant coach hanging out at the mound between innings, I more than likely would have been tellin the DHC that he needed a new 1b coach, particularly since he ignored your order to leave the field. Assitants get NO leeway whatsoever.
Bob P.

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