Originally Posted by bossman72
This question was posed to me at our last meeting and I didn't have a good answer...
R3 only. Playing at a field with lots of space between the foul lines and DBT. Batter hits a pop up near the first base dugout. The pitcher is sleeping on the play and isn't paying attention. Seeing nobody at home, R3 decides to tag and try to score.
Since the PU has ran out with the catcher to see the catch, who has the subsequent play at the plate?
On your play, since the ball is FOUL, the BU does not have to worry about the BR, so if discussed in Pre-game the BU could aid his partner and take the tag play at third base.
IMO, the following play is a drawback of the 2 person system.
R3 Troubled ball hit down the right field line. Since the ball is OUTSIDE the "V" the PU has the catch no-catch. Also, if it's near the line Fair / Foul come into play. Also, as mentioned it's a troubled ball meaning fielder could be diving for the ball a shoestring etc.
The BU has to watch B1 touch the bases and also take him into second base should the BR try and "stretch it" especially if it's a trouble ball.
The PU can only go so far because in addition to fair / Foul; Catch / no catch he has the tag up of R3 and also be in position for a potential play at the plate.
In a 2 person system we cannot be everywhere and there are drawbacks.
Pete Booth