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Old Mon May 19, 2008, 10:16pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by justcallmeblue
First, thank you all for your words. . . .I also agree that 2:15 is way too long for any age. . .my issue is that 1/2 these kids cant throw a 35-40 ft strike. I normally get in 6 innings at this level, but THOSE teams can field an F1 that can actually PITCH. Most of my games have been teams who have 5-6 balls per strike. . .either swinging or called.

In a farm game - 3rd 4th graders . . I ACTUALLY HAD 1 FULL INNING IN WHERE THERE WAS 20 BATTERS WALKED CONSECUTIVELY!!! both teams went thru 3 pitchers in the inning!!!

We have begged to have the rules altered that if a pitcher walks 4 consecutive batters the Coach comes in to complete the inning. . .we have been turned down. Are there that many better kids the same age in different parts of the country? If so, sign me up because many of my games are painful.
This year our rec league had a schedule where the week night 10U game went before the 14U game.. I had a choice of working the 10U game or waiting til just the 14U game. I decided to do it, no big deal.

Honestly, it was a horrible experience. 30-40 min innings walk fests. We had a 5 run up rule.. so the goal of this particular sport was to walk 5 runs in.. then the next inning that team had to walk in 10 runs (5 to catch up, then 5 more ahead). This is not softball, I'm not sure what the game I was working was called, but I was not umpiring softball.

The coaches would teach them to take pitches.. so the one pitch every other batter that was a strike.. would get took!!!! I was absolutely miserable. Sometimes (ok rarely) some thing cute would happen, and I would try to focus on that for a slightest bit of no avail, I look back on it as a bad experience. I never want to work 10U rec again.

Mine was 80 long counted pray for it to end minutes. You just count the time, because the game means nothing. Its not softball. youre putting in your time you owe.. like prison. 2 hrs 15 mins of that, like you are doing, and I would flip a lid.
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