Thread: Eager Partner?
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Old Mon May 19, 2008, 11:08am
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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I think the only thing I could add is to tell your partner a couple more times that your there, we don't want to turn that into a conversation on the diamond during a rundown....but maybe esculate the verbal

1) I got 3 (as you said)
2) 3rd is my call
3) I'm at 3 take second

I dont' think I would go to a forth just do what you did after that, and I would have a conversation after the first incident to remind your partner that is your call and you were there, a nice reminder that he/she is working with an umpire that doesn't have a chain tied to home plate. That you are going to be where you should be per the manual. Also to see if he had a hard time hearing you call him off or what. A nice, brief conversation but still let him know you were there and you will be there baring any SNAFU's that might occur.
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