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Old Mon May 19, 2008, 10:13am
crewumpires crewumpires is offline
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Missed Home Plate Appeal

This happened as I was coaching (not umping) but I need clarification on a point of appeal.

Runner from 2rd scores on base hit to right center. There was a play at the plate but the throw was late. (catcher gave way to the runner so no obstruction) I didn't notice the runner miss home plate but the PU just stood staring at the ground around home plate as if delaying his call. In kind of a lame voice I told the catcher to step on home and we appealed. (missed home plate) The PU called the runner out for missing the plate. Now the opposing coach came out in a tiff saying the PU should not have tipped the missed base to the defensive team.

It became a discussion (not an argument) and they asked me if the PU kicked it by tipping off the appeal. My answer was "ahhh, yeah I think so." I would not have picked up on it if the PU hadn't stood staring at the plate after the runner apparently scored.

What should the PU have done in this case? (The runner had left the field and was in the dug out prior to us touching home for the appeal.
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