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Old Sun May 18, 2008, 08:01pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Originally Posted by bkbjones
If I have the pleasure of, say, being your tournament or site UIC or partner some day...and anyone draws a line with a bat, there will/would be hell to pay. Mike summed it up in two heartbeats: the line is there whether there is chalk or not, and it's up to the players/coaches to know where the line is. I know where it is, and if the coach gets $hitty about it, right before I toss him I will tell him it's where I say it is, go sit down and let's play ball.

As for the fans...well, show me a smart fan, and I will show you some oceanfront property in AZ. Only smart fans I know of are about 90% of us on this forum who might be watching a game between games.

The rest are likely practicing their double fist pumps out in the car.
We're going to differ a bit about these "lines". Should a batter draw a line indicating where a pitch was that I called a strike, we're going to see a warning, an ejection, or an F-You call - depending on the level. Much like what I think I read your response to be.
In this case, the batter drew a line for her limit - and that was noticably INSIDE the batter's box line - I have no problem at all with this. I've seen a couple of pretty good players who do just this - slappers who are marking where they want their feet to go or something like that.

Edited to fix some fat fingers that this afternoon's & this evening's wine helped create.
Steve M
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