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Old Sat May 17, 2008, 05:13am
Steve M Steve M is offline
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I had one like that last year - ended an extra-inning playoff game with an IP.
The defense held a conference and then the pitcher got back onto the PP, took several signals shaking off all but last, nodded, brought hands together & separated, then shook her head & stopped - then stepped off & said something to her coach. I had to replay that in my mind a time or 2 just to make sure none of my partners had called Time or anything like that. Then I called the IP, brought the winning run in & we left. The security team was great - they surrounded us and got us out of there quickly & smoothly. It was the game administrator who dealt with the mob. It wasn't how I wanted it to end, either - but I was not given a choice.
Steve M
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