Sensitive Issue
You know guys, I sense there might be a lot of people who are afraid to take this topic on.
So point blank, here is what I think: GIRLS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY WITH BOYS.
Where and when do we draw the line. 14-15-16 years old? based on skill level, who judges that? Based on the sport? Should they be allowed to play rugby or wrestle with the boys? Too many factors. So ok, we say let's use our common sense, c'mon now, we have all been out there and seen coaches, players, parents, and even us referees, sensibility is not part of our repertoire (as a general public that is).
If it gets rough, she fouls someone hard, he will be teased mercilessly, and/or then he returns the favor and she gets hurt, everyone will look at him like he is a horrible kid for fouling a girl. It's lose-lose. Not to mention everyone will get sued for allowing it to happen, and then we would be reading a different article. I'm sure this would not happen at the 12 year old level, but like I said, why go down that road and when/where do we draw the line.
The rule is there for a reason. Leave it be.
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.