Thread: Eager Partner?
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Old Fri May 16, 2008, 01:52pm
celebur celebur is offline
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi
Originally Posted by wadeintothem
Thats terrible. You dont need a secret signal.. Rundowns are not rocket surgery. If you are boxing the play and you just say "I got 3" or whatever, then your partner SHOULD know that if the play is in that direction, its yours, if its in his direction, say 2, its his. You dont need to touch your ears or do top secret stuff, just speak. A good partner hears and understands what it means and knows what to do. I got other things to do that to watch an umpire to see if he his touching his ear. If I scratch my @ss in response, that means, speak, so I know what the heck you are doing.
So, am I to understand that now you don't believe in umpire to umpire signals for communication? You know, things like holding your hand to your left chest to indicate IFR being in effect, or wiping it away with your right hand to your left forearm? All this is is another umpire to umpire signal. If you are too busy yourself to notice it, then that is okay. But at least you were replied back to. There are all kinds of umpire to umpire signals that are "approved" signals. I don't see a problem with using them.
How did you leap from "Thats terrible. You dont need a secret signal" to "you don't believe in umpire to umpire signals for communication"?

When I read that, I understood him to mean that a secret signal is not required for a rundown. And I have to agree; in the middle of the action, a signal like touching your ear seems far too easy to miss. A simple verbal response would work better, imo.

But when there is no action, the standard umpire-to-umpire signals are certainly appropriate. That's completely different from what was being discussed.
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