Wed May 14, 2008, 01:14am
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NCAA News Release
| Basketball Rules Committee Proposes Minor Changes at Annual Meeting
| For Immediate Release
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
| Contact(s)
Leslie Danehy
Associate Director of Playing Rules Administration
| INDIANAPOLIS---A year ago, a new three-point line dominated discussions at the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Basketball Rules Committee meetings. This year, the committee’s meetings produced relatively few changes, which committee leaders view as a positive step for the game overall.
“Our game and our rules are in really great shape,” said Ronda Seagraves, chair of the women’s rules committee and associate athletic director at Southwestern University (Texas). “We entertained approximately 50 rules proposals, and in the end only approved minor changes to the rules book.”
The committees formed a joint subcommittee with representatives from Divisions I, II and III to review the uniform rule. Both committees recommended clarifying the rule regarding home and away uniform colors. The committees’ recommendation requires home teams to wear light uniforms and away teams to wear dark uniforms. This rule is alterable by mutual consent of the competing institutions. Previously, the rule recommended, rather than requiring, that light uniforms be worn by the home team and dark uniforms be worn by the away team.
All proposals made by the committees are not final until approved by the Playing Rules Oversight Panel, which will meet by conference call June 5.
A new goaltending article has been proposed stating that when the entire ball is above the level of the ring during a field goal try and contacts the backboard, it is considered to be on its downward flight. In such a case, it is goaltending when the ball is touched by a player.
“This change better defines and discerns the act of goaltending,” said Brad Jackson, chair of the men’s rules committee and head men’s basketball coach at Western Washington University.
The men’s committee made the recommendation to reorganize the technical foul rule reinforcing its concern for unsportsmanlike acts that may occur during the game.
“The restricted area arc and the widening of the lane were dimensional changes that were considered and discussed. However, our committee decided to continue to observe and study the effects these dimensional changes may have on our game,” said Jackson.
The women’s committee approved its points of emphasis for the upcoming season. Sportsmanship, traveling and contact on and by the ball handler/dribbler are the areas the committee will direct women’s officials to pay particular attention to next season. The focus of sportsmanship will be on player behavior, specifically, activity after the whistle blows. Traveling remains a point of emphasis because of the advantage gained by the ball handler. Contact on the ball handler/dribbler and by the ball handler/dribbler continues to be an area of focus due to its importance as it relates to freedom of movement which in turn affects offensive play and scoring.
A concern of the men’s committee is the illegal contact occurring at the basket area, especially the charge, block and player control fouls. Also, the committee believes that rough play and illegal contact need to be addressed throughout the game, and special emphasis is being directed toward illegal contact in screening situations.
As another point of emphasis, the men’s committee contends that palming is an indefensible act in which the dribbler gains a sizable advantage. Finally, although the rules committee believes that bench decorum and compliance with coaching box restriction rules improved in the 2007-08 season, this area will continue to be a point of emphasis for 2008-09.
For the 2009-10 season, movable (or breakaway) rings will be required for all divisions.