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Old Mon May 12, 2008, 05:27pm
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Jerry City, Ohio
Posts: 394
Originally Posted by bobbybanaduck
similar to examining the ball = switching balls. they don't really examine anymore. if it hits the dirt they call time and sqitch it out.

similar to wishes to consult with manager = argument. whether he wishes to consult or not, the skipper is coming out. assuming the playing action has ceased, call time and argue away.

if the guy you worked with in the D-league was taught at school that they were going back to the old school and the plate umpire would sit in an armchair, would you still be doing that today, or would you follow the current practice of what is being taught at the schools and/or used in pro ball now?
Of course I adapt to changes in mechanics and rules. When I worked using OBR I did how they wanted. When I worked NCAA I did it how NCAA supervisors wanted.

My point is that applying MLB mechanics to NCAA and NF is not good unless the rules agree. MLB umpires have far better field awareness than most of the umpires posting on this forum. When HS and youth umpires that have not developed the same keen field awareness they more often than not will get themselves into trouble trying to emulate.