Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Frankly, I don't know what all the fuss is about. Kevlar is, after all, deductible.
But seriously, folks... I've actually been trying to get a site up for exactly this situation - a newer umpire who wants to learn a bit more from someone else's mistakes rather than make them on his/her own. The site, while still in its basic shell form, is located at http://softball.whispers.org
Feel free to take a look.
And if you're a veteran umpire, feel free to take a look and beat me up a bit. I'd rather get it right.
Lastly, read the rule book from cover to cover, and read it often. If you still can't find the answer, post your question here, and someone will be happy to (beat you up) help out.
No, seriously... It's better to ask a silly question here than it is to ask it on the ballfield. Unless you play the piano.
Pretty nice site there, Dave. Except one thing that I adamantly disagree with is your arriving to your game sites in uniform. People who drive any distance at all will arrive with wrinkled uniform and hence a disheveled look. Always drive in street clothes and change into your uniform at the game site. If there is no dressing room supplied at the site, you can have your underarmor (or whatever you wear) on underneath and make a quick parking lot change. I have done that at more than one site in this part of the country. (Then I will turn around and the next site will have a dressing room with lockers, a cooler of water, a bathroom and a shower complete with towels, soap, and shampoo.) Heck, at the collegiate level, at least around here, you are expected to make your initial contact with the coaches in Docker-like pants and a nice shirt (and shoes of course.)