Originally Posted by Daryl H. Long
Yes. Rule the runner OUT.
To the contrary FED is very specific that the situation you describe above is legal.
It is not illegal to block a base with or without the ball. The key to obstruction per 2-22-3 is the wording "deny access". In the 2008 NFHS/Referee Baseball guide it is state on page 5 "The committee used "deny access" instead of "block" because it is possible for a fielder to block the base without denying access." Read Play 2 and the ruling carefully saying that to partially block the bag is legal.
See also Case 8.3.2 Situation G.
See also Case 8.3.2 Situation L.
Deny access means ALL
See also Case 8.3.2 Situation G.
This is not the way it's being interpreted. The defense doesn't get to completely decide which "access" the runner gets. If the natural slide is to the back of the base and the runner heads there, I'm calling obstruction.