Originally posted by johnSandlin
if we do not know the whole story behind the dismissal, then we should not begin to speculate on why the dismissal took place.
But if we
do know the whole story, then we're not speculating. So if we don't know the whole story, then our only options are to speculate or ignore the story. So if we're to discuss it at all, we have to speculate a little.
There could be more reasons behind it then we know about. Let's back off of the bashing, and wish Ms. Katner the best of luck in her future endevors in her life.
Well, let's wish her the best of luck
unless she was fired with justification and her "future endevors" [sic] include an unwarranted lawsuit against her former employers. I certainly harbor no ill will against Dee Kantner, but (like everyone else) I'm tired of frivolous lawsuits. So if she got screwed, then more power to her. If she really didn't improve, or ignored warnings that her job was on the line, then she ought to go back to her college supervisor's position quietly. Just my two cents