Tue May 06, 2008, 01:23pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Twin Cities MN
Posts: 8,154
Originally Posted by goldcoastump
Do you have a FED rule or case book page to back that up? I could not find anything.
Fed Rule 9-1-1
EXCEPTION: A run is not scored if the runner advances to home plate during action in which the third out is made as follows:
a. by the batter-runner before touching first base;
Fed Case Book
9.1.1 SITUATION C: With two outs and R1 on first, B4 hits an inside-the-park
home run. In circling the bases, B4 misses second. RULING: If appealed properly,
the umpire will call B4 out for missing second base. The run scored by R1 will
count. Had the infraction been missing first base, the run by R1 would have been
canceled. (8-3-1, 8; 9-1-1 Exception a; 2-1)