Double first call from foul territory on a runner
OK, fast pitch high school Softball NY ASA rules
No outs runner on first. Pop up to first baseman, caught in foul ground, beats the runner back to first, BUT uses the colored section, not the white, to make the play.
Partner, on the bases, calls her out. First base coach appeals that she can not use colored section. I uses the the rule that the first baseman can use the colored base when the play comes from foul territory.
Well I changed my mind after reading the rules, 8.2.M.4 which uses the words batter-runner not runner.
The question is in 8.2.M.7 that states both sections of first can be used in a tag up. Does this mean offensively and defensively or just offensively as I read it?
Let me know what you all think.
Last edited by snorman75; Sat May 03, 2008 at 11:26pm.