I started in LL baseball, coaching my son the league had rules that you had to umpire the other leagues games(minor division umped majors, majors coaches umped minor games) so I umpired. Figured if I was going to do it I better read the book, BIG mistake....called a few things by the book got jumped by fans, coaches etc. When daughter started playing softball (ASA league) started umpiring there went to ASA schools (no LL schools in our area) liked the teaching aspect that they had, felt like I got better from that and never did baseball again!
So my answer is more on a rec league level, but people geet WAY too excited over baseball, guys living more through their sons I guess. I have been involved in some ugly situations on baseball side (I am on park board so big issues get brought to us sometimes) and am SO glad I am on softball side.
I also have to agree with BuggBob in that FED baseball guys around here, although I don't know a lot of them closely, seem to have this air about them. The my sh*t don't stink kind of vib I get from them. Example, last night me and my partner are dressing right next to baseball guys, neither of them would even look our way, when I did pass them to go to the bathroom I spoke and they both were like it was killing them to have to speak to a softball guy! You dont' know how bad I wanted to ask the one guy who he had on last years patch instead of this years, I wondered if baseball allowed that, cause us softball guys have to put our new one on every year to be legal! BUT, I didn't I just said hey guys.....but I wanted to!!!!