I too did both for a while. I started in softball moved to baseball. Too me the choose to ONLY do softball was clear and simple.
Softball is played by girls and baseball is played by boys. Every umpire makes a bad call, when that happens most girls look at you like you’re stupid accept your ruling and move on, while most boys will whine and complain excessively.
In softball the tempo of the game is much faster, the excitement is higher, and the game takes less time. Now I don’t mind working for three hours but in baseball it is more like working for 15 minutes with 2:45 of just standing waiting for something to do.
Softball has a STRIKE zone and base all as a strike zone.
Lastly when I started umpiring the softball umpires welcomed me, trained me, and became my friends; whereas the baseball umpires were generally closed minded, elitist who would not take the time to talk to a new guy to save their own lives.
Ultimately the choose to do softball over baseball came down to the way other umpires treated me. I offer this forum as a paradigm; the softball forum is generally more friendly and civil whereas the baseball forum often degrades to less than polite and civil behavior.