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Old Tue Apr 29, 2008, 01:22pm
bluezebra bluezebra is offline
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Originally Posted by UMP25
Son, don't ever tell me I don't have cojones. I haven't gotten where I've gotten by being timid.

Good, because I wouldn't want to work with someone who believes some big time ejection is the answer to everything or that mountains must be made out of mole hills. I handled it quite well, retained the respect of everyone involved, and avoided a bigger mess that two ejections would have caused. I have had my share of ejections over the years, and my first one this year might even have been classified as kind of quick, but in the OP's case, based simply on what he wrote, I wouldn't have ejected and would have still been respected.

Then go work in a court or prison.

Whatever you say from the comfort of your chair. In 30 years of umpiring I've never been made a fool and still command respect by my work ethic and performance.
I had 44 years of umpiring. If someone pulled that stunt, and you didn't eject, you definitely were made a fool of. Just telling a coach and runner, "Don't do that", is not even a slap on the wrist. Cheating, and that's what it is, is cause for ejection.

"Son, don't ever tell me I don't have cojones. I haven't gotten where I've gotten by being timid."

Son? I probably started umpiring before you were born.


Last edited by bluezebra; Tue Apr 29, 2008 at 01:25pm.