On another Board, ther has been a discussion about Malicious Contact, concerning Obstruction.
In OBR and leagues that use OBR. B1 hits a single to right. Rounding First and it appears he is going to second, B1 is obstructed by F3, so we signal that's obstruction and since B1 made a legitimate attempt to get to the next base, chances are we are going to protect that runner to at least second pending any other post obstruction evidence.
B1 in going to second base cleans F4's clock . After the play in games played by OBR rules, the runner is still awarded second base since he was protected there, but we eject the offender. The TEAM does not suffer for any of B1's actions.
In FED, Malicious Contact supercedes obstruction. So even though B1 is protected to second base, doesn't give him the right to clean someone's clock in FED without an out being recorded.
In football, when the defense stops the offense but some defensive linemen roughs the QB, the TEAM is penalized 15 yards PLUS an automatic first down. So the offense could have had say 3rd and 25, but because the QB was roughed they now have a new set of downs.
In basketball whenever a flagrant foul is committed, the offense gets 2 free throws PLUS the ball - Again the TEAM suffers because of one Player.
Now baseball, the TEAM is not penalized for the actions of one of their players unless that player happens to be the star player and gets ejected. IMO not enough of a penalty.
Malicious contact is defined as behavior meant to injure another and IMO should be dealt with severly. Reagrdless if there was obstruction or whatever, the Malicious contact should take presidence and at the very least 1 out recorded if not more. The TEAM as in the other sports needs to be penalized to deter the behavior.
What say you
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth