Originally Posted by JefferMC
For my DD and the 60 MPH 11 year old, I know that the pitching coach callibrates his radar gun with a tuning fork daily. The gun is also mounted (inside a building) on a tripod next to a 10" high display for all the proud papas to see. The only sticking point I have is that he records the fastest pitch thrown in a liberal strike zone on a walk-up delivery (it's good for business). But over the past few years I've seen 6 HS age girls get to or above 60, with one as fast as 67. She was playing 14U at the time that went on the wall.
I can't tell you how many 11 or 12 year-old 60MPH phenoms I've heard about in the 15 years I've been doing this. They must all move away by the time they reach high school, because I never see them
... and I guess I never get assigned to their games in summer tournaments, either.