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Old Tue Apr 22, 2008, 11:25am
BretMan BretMan is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Same philosophy on all lines, as best I can tell. Consider the batter's box as an example.
That was my understanding. The batter is still considered to be "within" the box when making contact with the pitch, as long as the foot is not entirely outside the box.

Another one: The pitcher, for purposes of the Look Back Rule, is considered "within" the circle as long as her feet are not entirely outside. They may be touching the lines and hanging over the edge.

My understanding has always been the same standard applied with regards to the stride being "within" the 24" length of the pitcher's plate- on the line is okay, entirely outside of it illegal.

The reason this came up was another umpire telling me my understanding was wrong. He was adamant that the foot had to be entirely within the 24" length.
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