Originally Posted by Dholloway1962
Was there are voluntary release of the ball?
Yes = Catch
No= No Catch
My understanding is that this is the definition of a catch on a batted ball. However, for a thrown ball, I do not believe there is a need to define what is a "catch".
On a force play, if a fielder has secure possession of the ball when they tag the base (ahead of the runner) it is an out. If they choose to tag the base with the ball/glove and in the process of tagging the base the ball is dislodged, it is
not an out. Of course, the fielder usually tags the base with their foot and not the ball.
On a tag play, the fielder is required tag the runner with the ball or ball/glove combination. If in the process of tagging the fielder the ball is dislodged, it is not an out.
These two situations are true whether the fielder has just received the ball via a throw or through a fielding play.