Originally Posted by stmaryrams
FED rules, I've now seen three interpretations of this sitch. Players warming up on sidelines in foul territory beyond the infield while game is in progress. Similar to a major league bullpen in some parks. We've had umpires require all players to be wearing a helmet, one player protecting the other two required to and not required to wear a helmet.
There must be some kind of rule regarding this. Would always rather err on the side of safety. No problems with players warming up outside the fence.
This is a new FED safety rule this year. It is Rule 3-3-4:
Whenever team members are loosening up in an area which is not protected by a fence or other structure, another member of the team with a glove must be positioned between them and the batter to protect them from a batted or thrown ball within the confines of the playing field. No one is to interfere with a live ball.
So none of them need to be wearing a helmet (unless one of them is warming up a pitcher while in a crouch).