Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
Speaking of student athletes, this gives me a chance to do a little off topic bragging. I've mentioned my 13 year old grandson Tyler before and how terrific a basketball and baseball player he is. This weekend he had his first baseball game of the season. Of course I was there. He was the starting pitcher. He pitched four innings, gave up two hits (both singles) and one walk while striking out five. He then played 3rd base for the final three innings (they play seven). At bat, he went three for four. All three of his hits were doubles and he had all five of his team's RBIs as they won 5-1. The only out he made at bat was a fly out to the warning track.
Not bad for his first time ever as a starting pitcher. After the game, we celebrated and I took him to Hooters. OK, not really, but it would have freaked out my daughter.
Oh yeah, did I mention he gets excellent grades? In fact, he's in something called the National Junior Honor Society.
Get him off the HGH now, then...
Congrats on being the proud grandparent!
why do grandparents and grandchildren get along so well?
to come