Originally Posted by canadaump6
We are struggling to get diamonds booked because the players terrorized one of the umpires who happens to also be responsible for booking diamonds. We have had umpires fear for their safety doing this league, and one even walked off the field to avoid harm. The player abuse of umpires has been a constant trend over the years.
The league goes 9 innings which often means 4 hours. I enjoy it, but the umpires are fed up with working games that drag on forever, plus sometimes driving 25 minutes without compensation, just to make $40 before getting up for work the next morning.
I do not know what laws you have in Canada but here in the states if someone is threating someone or an umpire has to avoid harm then you have the individuals arrested.
In addition these individuals are permantly banned from the league.
There needs to be strict enforcement from EVERYONE involved about player activity and it should be severe.
In addtion you need to put Time llimits on these adult mens leagues games otherwise as yousaid they will last forever.
Pete Booth