Originally Posted by griff901c
Sorry Mick...I just don't see it.
Maybe with no runners on...maybe...but not with runners on base.
If a guy is coming off the bench cold due to an injury, again maybe, but for the most part...no
so lets say a defensive coach wants to change F1 and F6 while there is R2. are you going to tell a coach, "no, he can't warm up while the pitcher warms up, because there is a runner standing on the base 35 feet away and not near the path of any throws"?
im not sure why you'd ever deny the warmup throws though. for an incoming F6, he'll usually just throw directly to F3, 4-5 times pretty quickly, then toss the ball in and kick some dirt around and be ready before F1 is ready. also, most of the time R2 during a change will jog over to the third base coach for a few quick words, so there wouldnt even be any offensive players in harms way.