Originally Posted by gable135
1 out man on thrid - 1-0 count on batter - he attemps a squueze bunt but misses - the catcher moves up to make a play on the runner coming home. The batter does not move out of the way and hinders the catcher. I call the batter out for interference and the runner out. The coach argues that the batter has a right to stay in the box. I quote rule 2-21-1a and 7-3-5c and d
You make the call? - The batter also hit the catcher in the face mask with his bat while holding it out attempting to bunt.
From the info you supplied and not having been there, it would be next to impossible to "make the call."
What rulebook are you pulling numbers from, HS?
Was there "time for the batter to move away" (7.3.5d)
Did the catcher move into the batters bat moving up or did the batter intentionally hit the catcher in the mask? If the batter was attempting to bunt, why would he/she not be looking at the ball.? In that case, I question wether the batter was trying to hit the catcher or the ball. Maybe you could help us out?
Rule 7.3.5 Penalty, states that the "runner is out" with less than 2 outs for batter interference, not the batter.