Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP
B. How is taking a called strike three any different, ideologically and semantically, from taking a called strike three in a FP game? Why is it "unnecessary" extra showmanship in one, but not in the other? To anyone who says you're "showing up the batter" in one but not the other, or vice versa, please explain.
I've never received anything close to a good answer to B from any other SP umpire who argues against it - always just the old "we're not here to show up the batter" - To which I always want to reply, "That's weird, because you jump out of your shoes and holler loud enough for the scoreboard operator outside of the center field fence when you call a 12-year-old girl out for the same thing."
Well, maybe the latter is no more right than the former.
But if you want an answer to B, look at A in your post. A called 3K in SP is, or at least should be, the anomaly since contacting the ball in FP is much more difficult. Then again, many may argue that hitting the strike zone in FP is more difficult than in SP.
Either way, I'm not a fan of the additional theatrics on a called 3rd strike in any game, but that's just me.