Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Sort of like the umpire which shows up with 10 different uniforms in the back of his/her vehicle, 3 masks worth about $300, 4 pairs if shoes (all treated with Leather Lustre), 6 indicators, some with a clock w/alarm, some with a battery for the back light, 8 different ball bags, a variety of plate brushes, line-up card holders and a few pair of expensive sunglasses for a single JV game.
You know, where you are going to check the bats of these teenagers. And you can tell which ones play travel ball, because they will be the kids with the $200+ bats in the rack and $150 gloves laying on the ground.
Sorry, just couldn't resist.
Well, you never know which site is going to have its yearly between-inning egg toss contest!
I've never seen an indicator with a backlight. What's the deal with that?
I always show up with a small gym bag that contains my jacket (just in case), my street shoes, a couple extra brushes and indicators (in case my partner forgets his), and the extra lenses for my sunglasses (dark for sunny, orange for overcast, clear for night). It's also nice to have somewhere I can throw my ball bag when I switch from PU to BU between games.