Tue Apr 15, 2008, 09:59am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by mbyron
Shmuelg, this rule is NOT the same in all rule codes. FED and NCAA have the same standard now: fielders may not block the base without possession of the ball. In your play F5 did not have possession, so if you judged that he blocked the base, then you should rule OBS under these codes.
OBR is different: pro interpretation is that the fielder may block the base if a play is "imminent," which is again umpire judgment. I seem to recall that your games over there are OBR, in which case you might plausibly rule that F5 did NOT obstruct in the OP. That case is a bit HTBT, since it depends on many factors, including how far away the ball was.
FWIW, I disagree with both posters above me. If we're talking about FED/NCAA, then it's not OK that the ball and runner arrive at the same time: by rule it's OBS if the fielder blocks the base before having possession of the ball (for instance, when he's waiting for the ball). Also, a "sliver" of the base would not be sufficient access: the player needs to be able to reach the base (though he need not have his "preferred" access, he should be able to slide into the base with hand or foot).
Agreed. Of course "sliver" wasn't meant literally since you would have to give the benefit of the doubt to the runner in this case.