Thread: LBR question
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Old Tue Apr 15, 2008, 09:53am
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Originally Posted by GaryBarrentine
14U ASA Rec. Ball, I am watching, not officiating, this game.

R1 on 1st, Batter hits gound to F9, F9 throws to F4 and F4 to F1 in circle. BR to 1st. R1 has rounded third and takes up a position about 3 steps down line, stop and puts hands on knees(ball in circle, F1 not looking at runner). Out of habit, I start counting, 1001, 1002, 1003, nothing from on field staff. DC yells for picture to look at R1, R1 takes a step toward home, F1 spins whole body to face runner and brings throwing hand with ball out of glove and starts to move to a throwing position, but stops with hand and ball still below waist. R1 stops and returns to third. R1 is called out on LBR violation.

Does turning(quick spin) the whole body to face a runner constitute making a play when LBR is in effect?

How much or little throwing arm(with ball in hand) movement constitutes making a play when LBR is in effect?


Pretty much both of those are umpire judgement. Can they constitute "making a play" on the runner? Sure. Do they have to equal "making a play" on the runner? No.

However, if you counted as far as you say you did before any of this other stuff happened, I would have probably already rung the runner up on the LBR.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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