Originally Posted by jdmara
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on this one. I am new to posting on this forum but have read it for years. I don't think this is an intimidating forum at all. All the questions I have ever asked have been answered or at least addressed. I'm of the opinion that if someone gets upset over what someone posts on an internet forum/message board then maybe they need to find a new hobby (meaning officiating) however. Officiating does not have a "report post" button that an official can push to every comment they hear that they perhaps do not like. You have to have a thick skin sometimes and move on. I'm not saying that some comments don't go over the line but you'll always have those people as well.
I do, on the other hand, regret that some people do not feel welcome because I think this forum has greatly improved my knowledge of officiating over the years. I hope that those who do not feel like they are welcome, find a forum. Just my thoughts....
Hi Josh.
I think it's great the your experience has been positive, and I am not sure we actually disagree here.
I agree that the information available here is marvelous.
I agree with the need to be thick-skinned.
I agree that officiating skills "greatly improve knowledge.
Yet, a newbee, who hasn't yet developed the thick skin but is interested in becoming an umpire, can be intimidated. But then, I think we agree on that, also.