Every program can set their standards, and this one appears to be favoring the powerful coaches (from your side of the story). If true, that is unfortunate. But if you disagree with the organization's philosophy and power structure, as you clearly do, then this probably isn't a place you will ever be happy officiating.
I understand the urge to fight this issue, but the fight at best will result in a temporary vindication. You are not likely to change the perspective of those who are running this organization, and you are very likely to run into even more difficulties were they to reinstate you. It just becomes one big negative cycle that benefits nobody.
If there are many officials who feel as you do, they should all walk and let the organization try to figure out what to do next. If you are alone (or in a small minority), you will remain that way and just add a lot of stress and anxiety that you do not need. If your presence results in constant conflict, you will contribute to a negative environment for the players (and in the end, the youth games are for the players).