REPLY: Game (I'm assuming) was in Europe, hence NCAA rules. Don't know about how TOs are administered in this league. If strictly by NCAA rules, TO should be at the sideline.
As for the play, I agree with the others. Clearly the ball should have been blown dead when possessed by A. HL appears to have nailed it for the crew. BJ, shall we say, got 'caught up in the moment.' Still no reason for him to have just been walking, following the play though. Also, don't know about mechanics used, but the LJ left the LOS just before the snap, but then stopped only about three or four yards downfield. I know some five-man mechanics have the LJ go downfield on the punt, but he seemed to be in a position where he had one foot in the boat and one on the dock. Either be downfield or stayy at the LOS. Where he was didn't seem to buy him much. And, if he was supposed to be downfield, I would have expected to see the BJ favoring the HL's side of the field. He was in the center favoring the LJ's side. I think the LJ just anticipated the snap and left a tick or two too early.
Bob M.