Along with the post months ago, I included another play: B1 hits roller 8 or 10 feet up the first base line, but both he and F2 for some reason think it's foul. B1 stands in the box while F2 walks up the line to retrieve the ball. F1, however, decides that maybe the ball is fair (good assumption, since I didn't say foul and was pointing fair throughout). Offensive coach yells, "Run!" So B1 finally runs as F1 picks up the ball. B1 collides with F2, who is in the baseline, while F1 throws for the easy out at 1B.
Again, I let the out stand and didn't get much argument, but the consensus on this site was that F2 had obstructed B1, and that B1 should be awarded 1B. Quite a number of comments about how it didn't matter how "out" B1 was, how B1's late start should not be taken into account, how the rule was clear, etc.
I see a difference between obstruction during an obvious play on a runner (Type A) and obstruction when there's no play (Type B). These situations seem to fall into a grey area.
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