Originally Posted by MadCityRef
You could check out RefereeOnline, Gary McGriff's site. There you'd see what flaming is all about.
Is the site even up anymore? I'm scared to look
Perhaps ole Gary has more than one site? McGriff's wasn't worth much to anyone who didn't swear. By the time I got there 4 years ago, it was nasty. It became a competition between people who never tired of repeating the "obvious" and their counterparts who simply couldn't refuse to ignore them. The best thing to happen to it in 3 years was having it knocked offline by spammers. JMOHO.
Now, I would like to know how the folks on the basketball side can entertain themselves w/ threads numbering over 20 pages. Kinda makes the baseball side here look like its full of ninnies.
ninny Usage Examples
ninny Definition ninny (nin′ē)
noun pl. -·nies
a fool; dolt
Etymology: < (a)n inn(ocent) + -y
ninny Usage Examples Converse of object
moan: What a moaning ninny, especially when he goes on about referees.
Who writes this stuff?