Originally posted by Jerry
The kid's safe; end of story. Nothing requires the PU to announce "Play" after every dead ball. Likewise, nothing requires him to call "Time" for every dead ball.
By usage, custom, interpretation and probably somewhere in the PBUC Manual, it states that the ball becomes live after a foul ball when the umpire determines that everyone is ready to play. (i.e. the runners have retouched their bases, the pitcher is on the rubber ready to pitch and the batter is in the box, the umps are ready, etc.). No verbalization of "Play" is required.
Jerry, the original scenario was: 11 yr. old kids, meaning kids who do not shave. The PBUC manual interps are for the big boys so IMO one has to take the age of the player into account. Also, 60 ft. bases not 90ft. - BIG difference.
In the youth levels of baseball an umpire SHOULD do a lot more verbalization than umpiring kids who shave.
Also, you quoted 5.09(e) what about 5.11 where the rule EXPLICITLY states after ball is dead in order for ball to be live and the plate umpire calls "Play."
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth