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Old Tue Apr 08, 2008, 08:45pm
tcarilli tcarilli is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 219
Originally Posted by SAump
No one cares about your position, nor your feelings, nor hesitate to find their plave on an empty CPL diamond.
There are 100's of other umpires waiting for some opportunity to work in the CPL and your walking out and making room for them.
Just thought I would take the opportunity to mention it 2 months before you walk away from a good thing.

PS: I'm available June thru August. Have place to stay in DC, Knoxville, Raleigh and can rent place in between.

There are those who care about the positions. No one has asked anyone to care about his feelings. Again, the CPL umpires did not walk out.

If you are interested in working the CPL, while the DC and Knoxville living arrangements probably won't be helpful the Raleigh arrangement may be but I don't see how under the current agreement with PBUC. I would suggest that you contact PBUC or the CPL directly because there is no association, group, chapter, or whatever that has covered or will cover the games in the CPL. Although it is my understanding that you will, at least initially, have to complete the PBUC evaluation camp and failed at getting a job in the game.
Tony Carilli
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