Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I think you are confusing the issue even more. The DP/FLEX is covered by the Players, Coaches and Substitute Rule (4). Neither is even mentioned in ASA 4.6 Substitutes/Illegal Player until Para. F which notes the penalties for different violations.
Fed's rule book is organized somewhat differently. The entire DP/FLEX rule is Art. 6 of Rule 3-3 SUBSTITUTING. DP/FLEX is also mentioned in Art. 2 of rule 3-3, the first sentence of which reads "A substitute may replace any player when the ball is dead or time
has been called." While 3-3-2 does make it clear that DP replacing FLEX or FLEX replacing DP is different from a "normal" (my word) substitute, it also clearly groups this change under the general topic of "substituting."
All of this brings to mind one other thing that makes the DP/FLEX rule appear complicated - the tendency of umpires to discuss the rule with dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin technicality WRT terminology.
For all intents, purposes, and consequences of the rule, the DP playing defense for FLEX is a substitute from the perspective of the FLEX player, but not from the perspective of the DP. Hence, it is a "half substitute."