Heat vs Wizards, in DC
1) OK, so saying most Heat players aren’t “studs” is an understatement……they had six players out with injuries and most of the current players are NOT full-time NBAers.
2) That being said, man, those NBAers can really shoot! Three pointers raining in from every angle at a really good shooting percentage. Davis and a kid named Quinn from Miami were hookin it and scored well over half their teams points!
3) Refs were in good shape (2 of 3 still had ALL their hair, albeit not a dark color

), very much in the background, and did a really good job. Only saw a few minor complaints from coaches – continuation, missed out of bounds call (as reflected by the jumbo screen), etc. No controversial calls or arguments at all. What’s with the white jackets with blue sleeves?
4) First half, Brendan Haywood dunks and swings like Tarzan – no call.
5) Second half, Haywood dunks again and hangs, shaking basket and is fouled. Basket is waved off due to basket interference. He made both free throws.
6) What is the NBA rule for traveling when you fall to the ground with the ball? Twice players went down with the ball (not dribbling) and no call.
7) Heat Fwd Alexander Johnson was taken to the hospital after a nasty collision on a loose ball........with one of his teammates.
8) Funny story – scoreboard is playing the “kissing game” during a TO. Camera pans the crowd looking for couples to “kiss on camera.” Last couple shown was two Heat players on the end of the bench…..they are mortified and uncomfortable. Pat Riley sees this on the big screen and goes down to them and does the “c’mon guys ya gotta do it, everyone’s watching….” It was great! No, they didn’t!!
9) All in all, home team wins and makes playoffs. An enjoyable but not a cheap night with the family......but hey, that's what some of that reffing money buys, right!?