I had a friend of mine send this to me:
"Batter is in the batter's box thinking she has 1 ball and 2 strikes. The behind the plate umpire says 1 & 1. Batter backs out of the box and asks the umpire, "Whats the count". He says "1 ball & 1 strike" where many hear him including the batter and the offensive coach. Pitch is thrown called strike on the outside part of the plate. Umpire says strike 2. The defensive team complains that this was strike 3. Batter reminds umpire he had just told her 1 & 1 not once but twice. Umpire checks with other umpire. Short discussion. Strike 3 batter is out.
What would you do? "
I told him that if I had indeed messed up the count and it was supposed to be strike 3 and my partner knew there was no doubt of the fact it should have been strike 3 then I would let the out stand. Agree/Disagree?
FYI...Obviously I would not be calling "Strike 1" or "Strike 2" in my strike call verbally in the first place but that is beside the point